Official Website of Devon Delaney * Cozy Mystery Author
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Holiday For Homicide
Netgalley review: "This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!"
Holiday For Homicide
Expiration Date
Final Roasting Place
Guilty As Charred
Eat, Drink and be Wary

Murder For
Good Measure

Double Chocolate Cookie Murder
Half Baked Alibi

I entered my first recipe contest on a whim. My three kids were all napping and I had a moment to browse a magazine where I saw an ad calling for recipes showcasing a piece of bread for a cash prize. I won the contest. Suddenly, I was hooked on a new hobby. Mealtime became an exercise in recipe experimentation, to the point my son asked me if we could have "regular" chicken as a special treat. I'm still considering. Despite the hardship (ha!) on my family, success in cooking competitions has earned me multiple trips and valuable prizes over the past twenty years. Meeting fellow cooking competitors has enriched my life immeasurably. Throughout my culinary journey, writing has always been a passion. Combining the two hobbies was as destined as the pairing of sea salt and caramel, and just as addicting.​ Speaking of hobbies, take a look at my other favorite interests I pursue with passion. All serve to inspire and motivate me to write on!


Select Media Appearances:
My hobbies keep me moving, engaged, motivated, enlightened and excited. Needlework, tennis, gardening, ceramics, drawing, cooking, to name a few, are my passion. I always include them in my books because they are Sherry's passion.